
Django admin css problem


I have a new app made with Django. In the App menu I added the static directory and ran python3 collectstatic.

The page appears well but the admin page looks bad without styles. I searched for the location of the admin static and after this I added a line to the static part in the App menu:


Refreshed the app and nothing changed. What am I doing wrong?

We have a help page on that issue, see:

I am going through the same issue. I have followed all the steps to fix this issue and I am not sure if I have done them correctly, but somehow I feel it is related to the Python version installed when creating the virtual environment. in Python3.8, I did not experience this issue, but Python3.9 and above, I keep running to the same issue. I hope to get a solution

Could you explain step by step what are you doing? Here or by email to