
Need help with CNAME Setup


I am getting myself in a little bit of a twist as I dont know what I am doing with the CNAME stuff. I have a domain called which was registered with bluehost, I setup CNAME on their web admin panel to point to, when I look at I can see its finding dns results for and sending them too but when I try to go to its giving me a 403 forbidden error.

Have I messed up something? my web app on pythonanywhere is too just incase that was an issue.

Is it maybe just a matter of waiting for DNS to fully propagate?

![I think this might be my problem, the cname is pointing to www. but I think it needs to not have the www. I have updated cname again but its taking a while to propagate

Yes, it looks fine now -- glad you solved that!

Hi I am you solved it. Can you kindly provide me with the steps on how to set cname in Bluehost?

We don't have any particular knowledge about how to set CNAMEs on Bluehost specifically, but if you google for "Bluehost set CNAME" then you should be able to find multiple hits with documentation and tutorials.

Hi, can someone help

I am getting this error; ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'Tmaz'@'%' to database 'tht_database'

I am trying to connect to the database using my username but seems like I do not have the privileges. The issues I could not get the node where I can connect to the database through the 'root' so that I can grant the privileges to 'Tmaz' nor Do I know where the database path is.

From the help page:

The 'USERNAME$DATABASENAME' is the full name of your database, which comprises your username, then a dollar sign, then the name you gave it. The single quotes around it are important! If you don't put them in there, bash will try to interpret the $DATABASENAME as an environment variable, which will lead to an error saying ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'USERNAME'@'%' to database 'USERNAME'


Thank you for your feedback, I had to also change;

"mysql+mysqlconnector://....." to "mysql+mysqldb://....."

for it to work.

Thanks for letting us know!