
Let's Encrypt issue

I have activated the 'auto-renewing Let's Encrpyt' for my web app but the certificate doesn't seem to work for browsers other than Chrome. I've tried Edge and Mozilla and and it's only http.

This is my second web app through pythonanywhere and the Let's Encrypt certificate worked fine on my first... what could the issue be?

It you visit the site over http, then you will get the site as http, unless you have "Force HTTPS" enabled for your web app.

Thanks for the reply.

But if I type in then shouldn't it automatically connect over https? The issue is that it's going over http like it's uncertified and displaying 'Not Secure' on browsers other than Chrome. My other site I can just type in the domain and it goes to a secure connection.

No, if you type, then it will go to whatever the browser defaults to (http or https) unless you have "Force HTTPS" enabled.

Ok understood. Still a little perplexed as to why I need to Force HTTPS for one site but not the other... but thanks for your help.