
how to add my site to google search?


actually I'm quite surprised, that there is no tutorial or no one ever has asked for that anywhere, but... How to make my website visible for google search?

BR Mateusz

Use a meta-tag generator to generate metadata for your google SEO. To appear in google SEO you have to create your own metadata in your template <head>meta tag for the google SEO</head> section.


i did this, but it didn't work, because I didn't press "reload site" button:D Now it's working, thanks!

BR Mateusz

Glad to hear that!


It's september and I still cannot find my site in google;( In google search console i still see "we're still processing data, please check tomorrow". Do you think it's normal to wait for so long? I added my site as and Both "versions" have the same problem;/

BR Mateusz

I'm afraid we do not have any special insights into how Google manage their search indexing. Contact Google for support on their products.


I know, but I wanted to know what is the experience of pythonanywhere users with google. If you add your sites you also wait for so long?

BR Mateusz

I don't think we (the tech support team) have heard from people before who've said that it took a long time, but perhaps other people on these forums will have thoughts?