
Truncated logs

It seems that the server.logs are getting truncated, and thus I can see the full python exception being throw by my app. Given that this appears to be an error I'm only getting deployed (i.e. not locally) I really need to see the full exceptions - how can I do this?

We are not truncating the logs -- they are being rotated though (so that the current log file would not become too big to handle). By "trucating" you mean you see only part of the exception message followed by other logging? Could you show an example?

Hi! I have an issue regarding logs (I didn't want to open a new post so here I am)

I'd like to see on my server log a long print statement, specifically a query (in order to see how to fix it), but it doesn't show the complete line. It shows part of it, then an empty line, then the rest. Example:

2021-05-12 20:40:34 type(arrfecha) <class 'list'>
2021-05-12 20:40:34 SELECT AS registros_pago_id, registros_pago.fecha_submit AS registros_pago_fecha_submit, registros_pago.fechapago AS registros_pago_fechapago, registros_pago.id_dentista AS registros_pago_id_dentista, registros_pago.id_cliente AS registros_pago_id_cliente, registros_pago.formapago AS registros_pago_formapago, registros_pago.laboratorio AS registros_pago_laboratorio, registros_pago.especial AS registros_pago_especial, registros_pago.monto_lab AS registros_pago_monto_lab, registros_pago.monto_esp AS registros_pago_monto_esp, registros_pago.monto_efectivo AS registros_pago_monto_efectivo, registros_pago.obs_especial AS registros_pago_obs_especial, registros_pago.monto_cheque AS registros_pago_monto_cheque, registros_pago.num_boleta AS registros_pago_num_boleta, registros_pago.fechapago AS fechapago, registros_pago.formapago AS formapago, registros_pago.monto_lab AS monto_lab, registros_pago.monto_esp AS monto_esp, reg
2021-05-12 20:40:34 
2021-05-12 20:40:34 this is not part of the query

Is there any way to make the log show me the entire print statement?

Thank you

We limit the length of individual lines that are logged to stop the log system from being overloaded. You can print the query to a different file that you open and create for that purpose, or you could do something to break it into multiple lines and log those.

I have an issue regarding logs (I didn't want to open a new post so here I am) - I am experiencing the same issue - e.g. my server logs seem to be truncated, see below for example:

2023-09-09 09:58:14 announcing my loyalty to the Emperor...
2023-09-09 09:59:23 HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries ex
2023-09-09 10:00:24 HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries ex

I know there is more to that message but I can't see it.

How are you printing those log lines?