
500 internal server error

I have successfully upload a python with flask application which has 7 pages. When I run this app, it is giving an error - internal Server Error (500). I tried a lot to resolve that by error, server log But unfortunately that hasn't resolved the issue. This is the first time I'm using something like this. Please help.

What is the error in your error log?

I show you the error log. . 2020-10-25 11:02:45,329: Error running WSGI application 2020-10-25 11:02:45,332: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'server' 2020-10-25 11:02:45,332: File "/var/www/", line 7, in <module> 2020-10-25 11:02:45,332: from server import app as application # noqa 2020-10-25 11:02:45,333: ******* 2020-10-25 11:02:45,333: If you're seeing an import error and don't know why, 2020-10-25 11:02:45,333: we have a dedicated help page to help you debug: 2020-10-25 11:02:45,336: 2020-10-25 11:02:45,336: ******* 2020-10-25 11:02:48,943: Error running WSGI application 2020-10-25 11:02:48,943: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'server' 2020-10-25 11:02:48,944: File "/var/www/", line 7, in <module> 2020-10-25 11:02:48,944: from server import app as application # noqa 2020-10-25 11:02:48,944: ******* 2020-10-25 11:02:48,944: If you're seeing an import error and don't know why, 2020-10-25 11:02:48,944: we have a dedicated help page to help you debug: 2020-10-25 11:02:48,944: 2020-10-25 11:02:48,944: ******* 2020-10-25 11:03:52,494: Exception on / [GET]

. It says that Module Not Found named server. But the path is correct in WSGI file and in files location.

Work though our import error debugging page