
HTML file not getting extracted

When I upload a zipped folder that contains an index.html file and unzip it in bash, it seems it skips extracting the file. I also seem to not be able to upload .html files from the upload button. There should be something like inflating: build/index.html down here

inflating: build/asset-manifest.json  
inflating: build/favicon.ico       
  inflating: build/logo192.png       
  inflating: build/logo512.png       
  inflating: build/manifest.json     
  inflating: build/precache-manifest.9c5dcf314c7b846c5d6ea2befb8fe905.js  
  inflating: build/robots.txt        
  inflating: build/service-worker.js  
   creating: build/static/
   creating: build/static/js/

Are you sure that file is actually in the zip that you uploaded?