
Custom domain not set up properly

I want to host a django web application to pythonanywhere. I have a domain in godaddy. I followed the instructions in this Under the DNS management page in godaddy, I setup the CNAME as follows

Type = CNAME
Name = www
Value =
TTL = 1 Hour

I tried reloading the application in the web page in pythonanywhere. I no longer get any warning. This shoud mean that the CNAME has been setup properly right??

But when I try to load the website, I am not able to see the application but I get the following message

This Web page is parked for FREE, courtesy of

Not sure what went wrong. The application worked fine during test hosting and this problem occured only when I tried using a custom domain

Hi there- I think you are getting a different message now. Note that dns changes require time to propagate- your TTL of 1 hour means it may take up to multiple hours for your changes to be reflected and not cached anymore.

Hi! thanks for the reply. I just have one doubt. Why does the warning appear one time and not another in the web tab? And is my CNAME setup right???

The warning only appears when our system can't see a CNAME for your site; it looks like it's all properly set up now.

We have a help page on how DNS works which gives some details that you might find useful to understand all of the background to this -- it's not required reading, but it might help clear up some confusion.

Hey! Apparently there was nothing wrong with the way I setup my domain. I deleted webapp and started fresh. It works now. I guess I messed up the way I setup the webapp itself. Thanks for your help

OK, glad to hear you got it working :-)