
Deleted git file by accident HELP!

Could someone please help me restore my site to what it was this morning or yesterday? I accidentally deleted the git file and now everything is going downhill! I don't know what to do.

I see that you sent us an email about this too, so we'll reply to that.

I have not received a reply to the email yet. It seems that I fixed the problem but my file arrangement has a bunch of unnecessary git files there. Do you have any resources for knowing what the file structure should look like?

When you say "git files", do you mean directories with the name .git? Or something else?

Yes. It seems that I've created too many of them throughout my directory. My current process of developing the site on my computer and pushing that to Github then pulling it from PA works, so maybe I should just leave it how it is right now.

But do you have the ability to go back to how it was around two or three days ago?

We do take daily snapshots, and keep them for seven days, but they're designed for disaster recovery rather than point-in-time restores so it can take up to 24 hours to get one.

If you're not doing anything complicated with git (eg. submodules), I'd only expect one .git directory, in the top directory of your repo.