
Web2py Scheduler

Has anyone had any success using Web2py's built-in Scheduler in Pythonanywhere, as shown here: Web2py Scheduler?

Is this possible to implement in Pythonanywhere? Or would I have to re-write the background process to use Pythonanywhere's Scheduler?

This might cover it.

Web2py comes both with cron and a built-in scheduler (two different parts of Web2py). I would rather try to implement Web2py's built-in scheduler as opposed to using 'external cron', as suggested your link.

The recommended way of running any kind of scheduled tasks when web2py is running under the wsgi handler is to use external cron or roll your own queuing mechanism. To use the scheduler you would need to open up the shell and run python -K app_name to start the workers for the scheduler. I haven't tried it but I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work. I haven't had a need for the scheduler yet so I haven't tried any of this.

There's the outline of a solution here