
Python3.4 + Django 1.6.2 + PostgreSQL


I'm starting a project with two mates, and we are using the technologies named above with the Django development server. I was looking for some info about how to make apache and mod_gsi work (This is my first serious Django project), and then I ended up finding pythonanywhere.

I've read that you are working on an alpha version of postgresql (I've seen you only have mysql right now), and that leaves me with two questions:

  • When do you think postgresql is going to be avaiable in your servers?
  • I'm a beginner dealing with servers and I'm not sure about this: Do you currently deal with the server and dns stuff (I would bring my own domain from an old version of the website located in 1&1 and all the django project code), so that your clients only care about developing and not about server configuration and maintenance?

Thank you very much, I'm interested in this!

Hi fesor!

We hope you'd be able to find happiness here --

re: postgres, the answers is that we're working on it now, making good progress, but we're not going to be drawn into making estimates or setting deadlines. For now your choices are mysql or sqlite.

re: servers etc, -- exactly. you get your registrar to point your domain at us, and then we'll take care of hosting your app, scaling, and all the server admin stuff.

Well, it took a long amount of time to get right... but Postgres support is now live!

You'll need to sign up for a custom plan (with the Postgres option enabled) to get it. To do that:

  • If you already have a custom plan, you just need to go to the Account page, and click on the "Change your custom plan" button. The popup window will be pre-configured with all of your current custom plan settings, so you just need to switch the Postgres option on, choose how much disk space you want for your PG databases, and then click "Switch to this custom plan". This will take you through the normal payment confirmation process.
  • If you have a Hacker, Web Dev, or Startup account it's a little more complicated -- you can go to the Account page and click on the "Build a custom plan" button, but right now, the popup won't be initialised with your current account's settings (we're working on a fix for this). So you'll need to set the sliders to match those as well as switch on Postgres -- I've included a table of the correct settings below. Once you've configured a custom plan with your settings and with Postgres enabled, you can click on "Switch to this custom plan" and do the payment confirmation. Sorry for the inconvenience -- we only realised that this annoyance was there right at the end of development and we didn't want to delay the Postgres release while we tinkered with the UI.

Let us know if you have any questions!

Here are the settings for the Custom plan popup to mimic the non-custom plans:

|                        | Hacker | Web Developer | Startup |
| CPU time per day:      | 3000   | 3000          | 50000   |
| Number of web apps:    | 1      | 3             | 8       |
| Number of web workers: | 2      | 3             | 5       |
| Disk space (GB):       | 0.5    | 5             | 50      |