
Firefox 17 unable to open pages I am trying to access using Selenium

I am trying to automate signing in to some accounts I have to record some data there. I have written a script to do this from my desktop and it works fine.

Trying to do this on PythonAnywhere made me hit a brick wall. When I downloaded Firefox 17 to my desktop to test if that was the issue, I got the following error mesages and was unable to load the pages. Please advise:

Sites A + B Peer reports incompatible or unsupported protocol version. (Error code: ssl_error_protocol_version_alert)

Site C: Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s). (Error code: ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap)

Unfortunately there's nothing we can do to fix that issue right now; more recent versions of Firefox are not compatible with our virtualization system, so if a site doesn't work with FF 17, it can't be scraped on PythonAnywhere :-(

Thank you for your response.

So theres no way to manually deal with these SSL errors somehow? Thats really disappointing that Python Anywhere is stuck on technology from 2012!

Using PythonAnywhere has been a joy over the years, I really don't want to have to switch!

Unfortunately the only way for us to fix this is for us to revamp our virtualization system :-( That's high on our priority list, but it will be quite a lot of work.