Any ideas why I get this error? I know in the past this has happened due to other users on the server?
Any ideas why I get this error? I know in the past this has happened due to other users on the server?
Its suddenly working again...didnt do anything other than wait....thanks if something was done :)
Often if you hit "Reload" on the Web tab, and then go over and hit refresh on your site while it's still reloading, then you can see a 502-backend for a few seconds...
@harry I'd be interested to know what's involved in the 'Loading' - is it described somewhere please? (Curiosity killed the cat...)
Thanks, Jim
We haven't written it up anywhere no -- it's basically a process of deleting and recreating the uwsgi vassal config, sockets, processes, etc.
Actually my colleague Giles was planning on preparing a talk all about it for this year's EuroPython, so look out for that?
Thanks Harry - maybe Giles could copy the text to sometime?
Good idea, will do!