
sqlite3 and reliabilty

Hi everyone,

I volunteer for a non-profit and am developing a web application for it. I am working strictly with files edited with notepad - it works for me. I am using a apache3 server locally on a xp machine, but need to test "on the web." So I need to be able to upload files, all cgi written in python 2.7 and using flat data files. Eventually, the application may be used "live" in disaster situations (floods, tornados, hurricanes, ...). My immediate questions concerns are: 1.) Can I use sqlite3? I've read in other forums here that there have been problems with it. 2.) How reliable is pythonanywhere? As I've stated, the appilcation will be used in disaster situations and needs to work. The non-profit is a major player in disaster relief efforts.

Thanks in advance for your responses!


A few things: * We don't support CGI. Most Python web frameworks support WSGI which is what we use. You may need to convert your app to work with WSGI. * SQLite works fine for small sites, but you may want to think about using MySQL for anything that will be under heavy use. * We try to maintain a reliable service, but weird things sometimes happen and we try to deal with them quickly.