
Pythonanywhere is blocking Mailgun now?

... whereas it's listed on the tutorial as an free alternative for SMTP inside Django:

Use an HTTP/HTTPS-based email service

Services like Mailgun or sendgrid allow you to send email using HTTP(S) requests, and their API endpoint are on our whitelist. This is the most reliable option, and works well so long as your code isn't limited to using SMTP.

I'm a free user on Pythonanywhere and I've subscribed also a free account on Mailgun (with my credit card provided).

It's working normally on my machine but trying to send an email from the Pythonanywhere shell:

from django.core.mail import send_mail    
send_mail('subject', 'body of the message', '', [''])

results in :

ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused

So I guess mailgun is blacklisted now on Pythonanywhere??

Not specifically mailgun, just the SMTP ports to everywhere. If mailgun has an http api that you can use to send mail, then you can use that.