
Mounting Cloud Storage


Is PythonAnywhere planning any method of allowing cloud storage areas / "drives" to be mounted to mount points in a user's file system? I'm currently using rclone to connect to a Google Drive folder and download a bunch of input files, running a Python script to read those input files and produce some output, then uploading that output via rclone again. This is working quite well, but does require downloading / storing a bunch of files.

It turns out that rclone has a "mount" feature (complete with a comprehensive caching scheme) which allows it to mount pretty much any cloud storage drive as a folder in the user's filesystem via FUSE. FUSE doesn't seem to be installed / enabled on PythonAnywhere (probably because of processing time / stability concerns) - is that correct?

Edit: sorry, I realised I could just be trying the wrong thing at my end - I'm trying:

/home/dhicks6345789/rclone --config .rclone.conf mount inputStore:/Code /home/dhicks6345789/input

And getting the error message:

2018/11/29 15:46:07 mount helper error: fusermount: fuse device not found, try 'modprobe fuse' first 2018/11/29 15:46:07 Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: fusermount: exit status 1

I assume the above error is due to the fuse module not being included in the kernal, or is there some other reason?

Do you have any plans to allow users to mount cloud storage areas in some way in the near-ish future, or is this functionality I would need to use a different providor for?

We do not have any plans in that direction at the moment.

Okay, thanks for your reply.