
You do not have a CNAME set up for your domain.

Hey, I setup the CNAME for my domain, (it is showing up on this CNAME lookup tool)

I am still getting the You do not have a CNAME set up for your domain. error when navigating to the site. I expect a 404. Do I need to set the A field as well?

Also, Purchased domain from

Make sure that the value that the lookup tools shows you for the CNAME is the same as the one that is shown on the web app page and make sure that the domain name where you have the CNAME set is the same as the name of the web app.

Thanks Glenn. The values are the same (feel free to look at my account info).

I noticed that the A field is present for this domain as well. Is this value correct?

Your CNAME is set up on a the domain with 'www.' at the start and your web app does not have the 'www.' Add the 'www.' to the start of the web app name.

Thanks! That fixed it

Hi Glenn, I am having problems with my CNAME configuration. Please have a look at my webapp page and see what may be wrong. Doing this for the first time. Thanks.

You can check if your cname is setup correctly here.

If correct, you should see the following record:

Domain Name:
Cannonical Name:

Note the www on the domain name.

If there is no record or any parts are incorrect, then you will need to go back to your domain registrar and change the settings there.

Also note that updating the cname record may take time (eg: 5min+) for the change to propagate.

See here for more info.