
Task not working, but code runs fine


I have programmed a task to run a code everyday at 8am. It is a script that sends e-mail messages when a condition is met. According to the task's log, the code returns a syntax error.

However, if I run the code manually, it works fine - I receive the e-mails with the correct message and apparently there is nothing wrong with it. I really don't want to run the code manually everyday. Anyone has an idea how to fix it?

The error message says this:

  File "/home/ceciarl/", line 78
    msg += f'- {hora} - {time1} x {time2}, mas não vai ser transmitido pela televisão.\n'
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The code is a volleball match alert. It scrapes data from the official local championship calendar and sends e-mails only on match days. The variable 'msg' stores the e-mail content. It changes when the condition is met.

Thanks for any help!

That sounds like you are running the task with a different version of python? See this.

Thank you, I'll do that now.