
Web2py 2.16.1 deployment issues

Hi there, i made a web app in the latest version of web2py 2.16.1. Once deployed on the server, when i'm trying to use the app, I get the following error message 'Requires web2py 2.15.5 or newer'

Anyway ideas when you will get this fixed or how i can fix this


login to your admin portal to double check what version you have? and also see if you need to do anything to reload etc?

Hello, Version 2.14.6-stable+timestamp.2016. (Running on Unknown, Python 2.7.6)

Should i 'upgrade now to Version 2.16.1' on the server?

I guess so! You might want to check the web2py documentation / mailing list / forums for advice on how best to manage web2py upgrades...

Hi, I'm having the same issues with running Web2py. Created my 'free' webApp in pythonanywhere which works and loads the 'welcome' page, then I go to the admin page to upload a local app I created in Web2py(2.16.1) . Uploads successfully. (Note: the version on the WebApp(pythonanywhere) is currently 2.14.6.) I now click on my newly installed application and get the same error - Requires web2py 2.15.5 or newer.

So I go back to the admin page and go to 'upgrade now to Version 2.16.1' I click it and go passed the warning about it needing more testing. After it completes it chucks out an error message in the form of a ticket that I can't open because it chucks out another error when you try to open it. Now I can't access the welcome page nor the admin page...

Looking through some other posts I've tried manually installing Web2py in the bash console:


I first deleted the web2py folder then ran the above. This installed but after that I just simply now get the error - admin disabled because unable to access password file. Don't quite understand what the fix was stated in this post: with regards to the unknown password file location.

Hope someone can help me figure this out. Totally new to this stuff. Also apologies if I didn't format this post correctly...

Oh wow It works! I just thought I'd give the webApp another reload and eureka! it loaded up the admin page with the correct version. I'm not sure if i reloaded the webApp after installing the new Web2py(2.16.1) through bash console. That could be why it didn't work maybe....Not sure, but glad I can get back to developing now!! :D

Hope my findings can help some other people with the same issue, or at least correct anything I did wrong.


What command you ran to install new web2py.

Has this issue been sorted out yet?

@WattstheMatty -Maybe web2py is not the best framework, but I am still big fan of it! And I've not seen (in >2 years) anything special or wrong on PythonAnywhere, that could cause problems with web2py. But if there would be an issue, I'm sure PA staff will be willing to sort it out and fix, because that could mean issues with any framework.

P.S. I'm not yet finished my PA migration to the latest* version of web2py, so - what can I know :) Tho, I have fixed some issues myself, it's always good to know your framework also from the inside, luckily it's opensource!

*which one? there are many, I would like the one from GitHub, but it needs separate latest DAL, and I need to reapply my old tweaks, so not easy ;)

I don't quite remember (this was maybe half a year ago), but I believe I was able to upgrade a test web2py app to the newest version by clicking through the upgrade process on the web2py admin page, and then reloading the webapp from PythonAnywhere when seeing the website error.

Also, even if the ticket doesn't display, you should be able to access/read the ticket from the PythonAnywhere files tab.

Great point about web2py ticket files by Conrad. The main reason why the app crashed is usually at the top of file (with full Traceback at the bottom) if viewed/edited as text. But also they can be interpreted visually more easily via admin app - if transferred to local copy of web2py application into the "errors" subfolder, AFAIK the filename doesn't matter.

Thanks for you help all, the support team helped me.

For anyone else who gets this problem follow these steps

  1. reset the password following these instructions

then log onto the admin using https:/

See instructions

Hi everyone, these problems don't seem to be sorted out yet. When I first connected to the Admin interface of web2py on PythonAnywhere everything seemed ok, it was running a version 2.14.x of web2py. When I had uploaded my app, I got the message Requires web2py 2.15.5 or newer (it runs on 2.16.1 locally on my computer). So I tried to install the newest version by using the button in the admin interface. Then I got the same sort of tickets I couldn't open as described by RodsonHull in the above post. Then I trashed my web2py folder and tried to reinstall downloading from the same location as he did:


as this didn't work, I trashed the web2py folder again and downloaded the source code from this link: Connecting to the web2py admin interface (with https) still results in: Requires web2py 2.15.5 or newer. I couldn't follow the advice about resetting the admin PW, as the file mentioned there,, doesn't exist in my web2py folder.

Hi again, after hitting the reload button on the web app administration page, web2py is running again and the welcome app is opening. I still can't access the admin app (with https) as it tells me "admin ist deaktiviert, weil kein Zugriff auf die Passwortdatei besteht". As I mentioned in my last post, I couldn't follow the advice about resetting the admin PW, as the file mentioned there,, doesn't exist in my web2py folder.

Have you reloaded your webapp on the web app config page after changing the code?

The process here will create the file:

Thank you very much, I reloaded the web app, but I didn't know that the file would automatically be created by the process on

Thank you very much, I reloaded the web app, but I didn't know that the file would automatically be created by the process on It worked and I can access web2py's admin interface.

Excellent, thanks for confirming!