
Template rendering is wrong, category shows 2 times

I am trying to render my models in a template but just one tiny thing shows more times than I expect. I just want category name to show one time for many lectures and if there no lectures I want the category not to show. I just cant figure where to modify the template code. One mention: all my courses use same categories.

` <ul>
    {% for a in categories %}
        <li><strong>{{ a.course_category }}</strong></li>
        {% for c in lectures %}
            {% if a == c.course_category %}
                <li>{{ c.lecture_title }}</li>
                <li>{{ c.content }}</li>
                {% if %}
                    <li>{{ }}</li>
                {% endif %}
                {% if c.file %}
                    <li><a href='{{ MEDIA_URL }}{{ c.file.url }}'>download</a></li>
                {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}

enter image description here

why don't you just do "if lectures, then display the bolded stuff"