
Static Files will not load for Django project

I'm new to PythonAnywhere and generally set up my projects on a VPS so I might be doing something really dumb.

I'm trying to load static files for this site :

My settings have the following:

STATIC_URL = '/static/'
    os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "moveco/static_dir"),
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static')

I've set up a virtualenv called env and run env/bin/python collectstatic and this has stored everything in /home/henrymehta/static/ as expected.

I've also gone into the Web tab and in the Static Files section I've set URL to /static/ and Directory to /home/henrymehta/static/

No static files are being picked up. What have I done worng?

Did you reload the web app after setting up the static files on the "Web" tab? The settings won't be applied until the next reload.

Sorry! Obvious.

No problem, glad to help :-)