
schedule tasks speed is slow

My schedule tasks normally takes two hours to complete, but it takes 8 hours this morning (from UTC Jan 5 18.00 to Jan 6 02.00). It is unacceptable for the sudden slow down and is PA change the resources again? or just a one off incident? Please check.

I believe it happen a whole day for Jan 5 for all my schedule tasks, but it is more significant for the task run at 18.00

run from console, it is 30 minutes.

It is not the first time I experienced the ridiculous slow in schedule tasks.

Initially schedules tasks is identical speed as console. Then it is 2x slower than console, which has impact to e but still can stand with it. AT one point, PA reduce the resources in cluster and my schedule tasks is 6X slower. I complaint then only PA take action and the speed is again about 1.5X of console.

Slowly, without my notice it is about 3X and now it is 16X slower. What the PA doing???Totally unacceptable. If schedule tasks is so slow, there is no point at all to have this features.

There will always be variance in how long a task takes, though the amount of variance suggests that something else may be going on. Are you in the tarpit when the task is slow? Does it rely on external services that may be rate limiting you? Is there a different amount of work that needs to be done for at different times?

Your explanation is not valid. Run in console and schedule tasks shall not hit a 16x variance. You can login check it out my schedule task. I do not mind. This issues has always happen.

Varainace will not be 2X or 3X longer. I run my console in tarpit and it is 30 minutes. My schedule tasks is not, but take longer than 8 hours. AND I HAVE MENTIONED IT HAPPEN JUST FROM JAN 5.