
Postgres Extensions

Does anyone know how to install a postgres extension? I'm looking to install TimeScale ( on my postgres database. On virtual images, I've always had terminal access to my postgres server, but I don't know if that's the case on PythonAnywhere.

I don't think it's possible to install extensions that we don't already have included, unfortunately -- I'll double-check that with my colleagues when everyone is back in the office on Monday.

Ok, thanks! Would it be possible to add that extension to the list of included extensions? I don't think I'll be able to use PythonAnywhere for my project without that extension.

I suspect it might be difficult -- but again, let me have a discussion with my colleagues and I'll let you know.

Unfortunately does indeed turn out that we can't add extensions to our Postgres servers right now. We will be creating a new Postgres image at some point in the not-too-distant future, but I can't give a timeline right now. It's unlikely to be before the end of the year.

Have the postgres servers been upgraded to allow for extensions like postGIS yet?

You can install and use PostGIS.

Hello , I have paid account having postgresql database. How can i use pg_trgm extension? kindly guide. thanks

You can't add it on your own. We added a ticket to include it in the next version of Postgres we deploy. Unfortunately, that would not happen soon.