
Using AirFlow to manage processes in python anywhere

I cam across a great program which alot of tech organizations are adopting to manage their processes and it works well with logging, catchs, backfilling, and more. I was wondering has anyone had a chance to play with it on python anywhere? I really wanna use this with my activities on pya.

I haven't heard of anyone using it on PythonAnywhere. If I'm reading the description correctly, you need to run multiple processes including a core web server that coordinates the various workers -- that might not work very well on our system, as non-WSGI web servers can't be accessed from outside the PythonAnywhere cluster -- but depending on how the workers connect to the web server, it might work. Perhaps the best thing would be to try their quickstart and see if you get any errors?

I am trying to do the same thing.

As per Giles' suggestion, I have installed Airflow to see where it gets me. So far, just running pip and then creating the database seems to make airflow start. The issue is going to be accessing it from the outside.

I have tried to use lynx from a bash terminal and I get to see the UI, so at a first glance it looks like it started okay and could potentially work. But if I try to access it from the browser I get nothing, as it is not reachable. Is there any way to make that port available?

No, we do not route traffic to ports on machines that are not web servers and there is not mechanism for keeping ports seperate. So, if someone else was using a port that airflow required, you would not be able to start it.

Right. So it's not really doable at all, then.

Guess it was worth the shot in any case. Thanks for the quick feedback Glenn!

No problem. Sorry we didn't have better news.