
503 error

Hello all... Every now and then I get a 503 error on my free webapp (I also have a paid one). It's identical to this person's issue (I think he meant 503 instead of 403). I do use Twilio as well. Any ideas? Only every now and then I'll get the 503...

A free web app only has one worker. If that worker is busy for a long time, you may get a 503. We do queue requests for a while, so they can wait for the worker to be free, but we don't queue them forever.

Ok gotcha... thanks!

Just to round this out -- one other case where you could get a 503 response from your site was if it had gone to sleep because it wasn't receiving any requests. In that case, it would be woken up again as soon as a request came in for it. If the request in question was a GET, then it would start up normally, but if it was a POST, it would return with a 503 status code and that specific request not be processed -- though the site would be woken up properly. Future requests (both GETs and POSTs) would be handled normally.

We fixed that with this morning's system update, so it shouldn't happen in future -- now both GET requests and POST requests will wake up the website and be handled normally.