
Static CSS - Referring to something else?

Strange I've put /static/stylesheet.css in my template and in my static url I referred it to where the css file is located but it appears to looking at another css file as the colours are pink and green? I've only set it to black/blue/red, whats going on??

How are you serving the static CSS? How are you referring to it in the template?

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/static/stylesheet.css"/>

Where is your static file stored on the disk and how are your serving the static folder (static files mapping, through your web app?)

stored: /home/rcham/mysite/addressbook/static/

my url: Directory:

/static/ /home/rcham/mysite/addressbook/static/

What do you mean "serving the static folder?" I thought the: <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/static/stylesheet.css"/> will pick it up from the defined url above?

When I visit your site, I don't see any pink or green and the CSS that is served only contains colour descriptions for black, red and blue. You're probably looking at a cached version of the CSS. Try shift-reload to reload the page and ignore caching.

Ahh I see its what Im expecting now, I reloaded several times although I didnt refresh the page. Thanks for your help!

No problem