
Python-3.3 Scipy Out of Date

It appears that the Scipy version installed for Python-3.3 is out of date (version 0.11.0 from around 09/26/2012). I attempted to update it as a user install ("pip-3.3 install --user scipy" gives "Requirement...satisfied" and "pip-3.3 install --upgrade --user scipy" downloads the package but fails to install the package). Is there a different command I should be using or do I need to use virtualenv?

Based on this post: I just need to use a virtualenv which seems pretty straight forward.

Looks like a virtualenv is not the solution since scipy requires a FORTRAN compiler to install. Any ideas?

We just released a new version today, and while we don't normally upgrade packages without warning, somehow an upgrade to SciPy on Python 3 crept through without us noticing!

So the good news is that now we're on 0.13.3 :-)