
Connection is not private on chrome.

Hello again, Today i have finally set up DNS for my website, And then finally i was able to connect. But i when i opened website on chrome i got this error: enter image description here

It needs to be considered that before i attached custom domain name on my website, I forced SSL on the website and it was like this in chrome: enter image description here

I thought it was DNS problem, So i contacted with GoDaddy's support: enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

So what could be the real problem? Does hosting really have to do anything with this or is it DNS anyway? Sorry for disturbing and thanks in advance.

In order for HTTPS to work, you need an HTTPS certificate. We provide one for your site (because we own one that covers all subdomains of but when you switch to a custom domain, you need to get one and provide it to us to install.

There are two options:

  • You can get a free one from Let's Encrypt, by following these instructions. Let's Encrypt certificates last for three months, then you need to renew them (which just involves running a script on PythonAnywhere) and ask us to install the new one.
  • You can pay for one that will last for several years, which requires less maintenance -- you don't need to renew every three months -- but, of course, has the downside of costing money :-) (There are also potential security benefits to having your certificate change frequently, because it means that if a hacker somehow steals your cert and its associate private key, there's a limited amount of time for which they can impersonate your site. But that's kind of theoretical for normal sites -- it matters more for large-scale sites like Google.) There's more information about what you need to do for non-Let's Encrypt certificates here.

Either way, once you've made your choice and got a certificate and its associated private key, just let us know and we'll install them.

@giles Thanks for the response, I will take "Let's Encrypt" certificate now, I'l simply do all the steps and then email the path to letsencrypt directory, my username and my domain name right? And then whenever i will need to change the certificate i can send the email to the support again correct?

Yup, that's right!

Ok, Thanks a lot (again :D), I'l email it as soon as i'm done.

@giles I've tried to follow all steps from website: enter image description here

But i keep receiving that error, Am i doing something wrong? Don't know how to fix i properly.


I have fixed the problem, Apperantly it was my fault, I didn't create a config file and define WELLKNOWN variable there. And then i had to execute the command in the wellknown folder itself. I'l send the information to the email now.

I set up a simple app based on instructions from pythonanywhere, connected to my domain name with my name server, and the web app worked. Then I enabled https without first enabling a certificate. Once I learned that was a no no, I turned it off. 4 hours later I still get privacy error messages when I try to load the app and the app will not load. Suggestions please. I just started a basic paid subscription. Bob

What is the URL of your web app? Since it was not working, last night I enabled the certificate to see if that would help along with password. It still reports the connection is not secure.

Thanks for any help on this, fjl. Bob

Right now it looks like you have an HTTPS certificate in place (so shows up as secure) but, although you've switched on the "Force HTTPS" option, you haven't reloaded the website to activate that setting. If you do that, then all access to your site will be secure.