
Is there a place on PA where currently supported versions of software is documented?

Hi! Is there somewhere on PA that you list the currently supported versions of software? For example, I'd like to know what is the latest supported versions of: - Python - Postgres - Django

It would also be nice to know what old versions are supported. Is there a page where this is documented? Thanks!

'batteries included'

Yup, that's a great starting point! Remember, though, you can also install newer (or older) modules yourself using pip. But anyway, that covers Django.

Regarding Python, which isn't on those lists -- we currently support 2.7.6, 3.3.6, 3.4.3, 3.5.2, and 3.6.0.

Regarding MySQL -- new databases are 5.6, older ones are 5.5.

Regarding Postgres -- we're on 9.4.

Thanks, guys!

  • @giles Postgres 9.4 supports the JSON data type, right?
  • @jgmdavies (thanks! I'm not super-familiar with the PA site but it would be nice if there were a place where these kinds of things were easy to find)

Yes I believe Postgres 9.4 supports JSON data types.

For searching for these kind of things, you could do a search within our forums and also go to the help pages.

Yes I believe Postgres 9.4 supports JSON data types. For searching for these kind of things, you could do a search within our forums and also go to the help pages.

Thanks! Ben

No, this installation Postgres 9.4 do not support json. When I try to insert into table field date type json, I recive error 0A000 - feature_not_supported. :/

It works fine for me.

postgres=# create table books (id integer, data json);
postgres=# INSERT INTO books VALUES (1,
  '{ "name": "Book the First", "author": { "first_name": "Bob", "last_name": "White" } }');
postgres=# SELECT id, data->>'name' AS name FROM books;
 id |      name
  1 | Book the First
(1 row)